television spots with Dr. Ojakangas

A few of Dr. Ojakangas’ recent interviews on local television, radio, and newspapers are assembled on this page.

Here I spoke about the Great Conjunction of 2020 of Jupiter and Saturn, which heralded the birth of Jesus Christ

In this link, I spoke about the importance of the SpaceX Crew Dragon Demo flight on KY3  (5/27/20)

On the same day (5/27/20) I also spoke to KOLR10 on the same topic. Link here.

Here I spoke about the significance of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Here I spoke about Navy footage of unidentified aerial phenomena on KOLR10:

Here I spoke about the lunar trifecta.

Here I spoke about the first images of the event horizon, assembled with the Event Horizon Telescope.

Here I spoke about how SpacEX is changing space travel with innovative technologies that others thought impractical.

Here I spoke on KSMU radio about the New Horizons mission to Pluto.

On June 17th, 2020, I was interviewed from the United Kingdom on the radio show called The Voice of Islam, “breakfast show” regarding the changing face of space travel.  The podcast can be downloaded for that date on this link.

Together with Dr. Bruce Callen, I was interviewed here regarding our work on the Citizen CATE project, for the Great American Eclipse in 2017.

Here I spoke about the importance of the Feb 18, 2021 landing of Perseverance on Mars.